
Freek Productions

Furies Revenge


What a week! The Freakenstein comic is near complete and a few tweaks left to do, but damn it looks cool. The funny thing about writing this book is I’m drawing from personal occurrence but adding life observations and cool spookiness is gonna make this one badass read!! As I write this, FURIES REVENGE is now a reality. The print copies are home and the digital format is available on Amazon/Kindle.

I am absolutely excited, grateful and so freaking proud of this sequel. Again, it’s such a sentimental experience writing this series based on one of my all time favourite movies, ‘The Warriors.’ I’ve said it before, I know, but everyone has a movie or song/s that just made life so much more. This movie was one of them. The Baseball Furies excited and scared with their silent mystique and deadly intensity. The main Furie, played by Jery Hewitt(RIP) was especially so. His performance stuck with me. So much so, I had to name my main character Hewitt in honour of this remarkable character and incredible human, whose career is equally as remarkable. Whilst his passing recently is sad, for me being able to celebrate his legacy in this series means so much. I truly believe anyone who’s a fan of the movie will appreciate this series. The characters in the sequel are exciting asf as too some super cool Easter eggs that fans will adore.

Do me a favour and tell your friends and grab a copy or two. This sequel is the book that keeps on giving. It’s been so fulfilling writing and there is so much more to come. This isn’t throwaway art or nonsensical material. This is writing that will take you away to another world and if it doesn’t, well let me know.


Till then....

Stay Freeky

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